Self-Neglect and Hoarding Panel (SNaHP) Position Statement
The Bromley SNaHP panel was first established in 2015, bringing together a number of professionals working across the Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board (BSAB) partnership. The purpose was to promote a person-centred, timely and effective multi-agency response to situations where there is a concern that a Bromley resident is assessed to be at a significant level of risk as a result of complex self-neglect and/or hoarding issues.
The aim of the SNaHP was to ensure that all relevant agencies worked together to provide a co-ordinated and accountable response to issues and/or risks, with the SNaHP being a peer forum to share experience and knowledge to help inform the appropriate response.
Over the years this forum has achieved a lot in reviewing and discussing complex issues that impact on the lives of those referred to the SNaHP. This has been led by enthusiastic and committed professionals, who have all contributed significantly to the wellbeing of some of our most vulnerable residents.
In recent years, this forum has increasingly been used by partners as a more formal referral route, sometimes as a substitute for internal organisational safeguarding processes. As a consequence, it appears that its function has shifted to an operational role rather than the assurance and learning forum which the SNaHP was intended to be. We recognise that cases are being referred to the SNaHP that should be addressed within the referring organisation, using existing frameworks, and/or with partners. The responsibility of decision making about individual cases is being borne by the SNaHP rather than the referring agencies. This is not an appropriate role for a Safeguarding Adults Board, whose statutory function is primarily one of assurance, and I have therefore asked for the panel to be suspended from 31 December 2023 pending a review of the SNaHP by BSAB partners to understand what more may need to be in place within the local system to address any gaps which the SNaHP has been fulfilling.
In the meantime, please use the mechanisms within your own organisations to manage such safeguarding cases, discussing with relevant safeguarding leads. This may include raising a safeguarding concern to the local authority, and working in partnership as may be appropriate. You will also be aware that BSAB has developed the Complex Case Pathway framework which can be used to support complex safeguarding situations, including for those who self-neglect and/or hoard. We therefore urge colleagues to prioritise invitations to meetings where these case discussions are held.
Teresa Bell
Independent Chair
Complex Case Pathway:
The Complex Case Pathway is an alternative option for professionals. This framework and guidance promotes multi-agency working in supporting people with complex needs who may be at risk of abuse of neglect due to either a lack of engagement with services or because they are do not meet eligibility criteria for one or more services but have safeguarding needs that might benefit from a multi-agency response.
Self-Neglect and Hoarding Guidance (Procedure 3) - This guidance seeks to advise BSAB partners regarding what Self-Neglect and Hoarding is, and how to address these complex issues using a multi-agency approach.
Self-Neglect and Hoarding Guidance (Procedure 3) 7minute briefing - this short briefing provides an overview of the Self-Neglect and Hoarding Guidance.