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Training & Learning Events

In addition to the BSAB multi-agency programme and ME learning offer we would like to share with you local, regional and national learning opportunities. We hope that the varied training offer below would be of interest to you and/or your teams. As a Board we would welcome your feedback on any of the following training you may attend - please do let the Board Manager know if you register for any of these.*  

*Please note: whilst we aim to share learning opportunities that are made widely available, the options below are not directly commissioned by the BSAB and therefore we cannot assume responsibility for their content.  


Lewisham: Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) Learning Event – ‘Maria’ and ‘Maureen'  - Monday 24 March, 12 - 2pm GMT

Courtesy of our Lewisham colleagues, this joint SAR learning event will be led by the two independent reviewers (Karen Rees and Imogen Blood) who will outline the key learning points from these two cases which have recently been completed in Lewisham.

This is a chance to listen to two experienced practitioners who led the separate reviews and pick up on the learning points which cover a wide range of subject areas: rough sleeping; domestic abuse and coercive control; substance misuse; mental ill-health; mental capacity; serious self-neglect and animal hoarding.

For more information please visit here.  


SEL ICB Equalities Forum Presents: International Women's Day - Thursday 06 March 2025, 14.00 - 15.15

With special guest speakers:

  • Dr. Navina Evans, CBE
  • Dame Marie Gabriel

Join via Teams


Rape Crisis South London: Understanding and Responding to Sexual Violence - Thursday 20 February 2025, 09:30 - 14:30 

Rape Crisis South London (thumbnail) Feb 2025This free online training, delivered by Rape Crisis South London and co-produced by members of their Service User Advisory Panel, is open to front line professionals working in the following London boroughs: Greenwich, Bexley, Bromley, Lewisham, Southwark, Croydon, Lambeth, Wandsworth, Merton, Sutton, Kingston, and Richmond. The training will be relevant for anyone working in a frontline role with people who may have experienced sexual violence, and will be especially relevant for those working in the health, education, and criminal justice sectors.

For more information please visit here


BSAB Self-Neglect Learning Event - Tuesday 11 February 2025, 2 - 4pm

For BSAB partner agencies only. 

In this collaborative effort, this learning session will discuss two case examples with a thematic focus on self-neglect and mental health. This is an opportunity for practitioners to join in a reflective space and improve the outcomes for people who self-neglect. 

The session aims to: 

  • Share learning from complex case examples 
  • Do a deep dive into the complexities of self-neglect 
  • Discuss the importance of initiating the Complex Case Pathway (CPP) framework at the right time Highlight the benefits of joint working 
  • Explore Executive Functioning Safeguarding & carers - keeping vulnerable people under regular review
  • How you can benefit from reflective safeguarding supervision

Please register your interest here.


SafeLives: Non-fatal strangulation (NFS) training for professionals - various dates throughout January & February 2025

Safe Lives have developed non-fatal strangulation (NFS) training for professionals, while working with the Institute for Addressing Strangulation, for a range of professionals who encounter domestic abuse victims and survivors of non-fatal strangulation. There is a mixture of free webinar and half-day learning sessions. 

For more information please visit here.


Academy for Social Justice: Understanding Modern Slavery - Thursday 30 January 2025 16:00 - 17:15

This seminar will give an overview of what modern slavery is in the UK context, using case studies and the speaker's first-hand experience.

For more information please visit here


Samaritans: The Internet, Suicide and self-harm - 30 January 2025, 12.30pm - 2pm

Samaritans thumbnailRegistrations are open for Samaritans Online Excellence Programme's free training webinar session in January. Whether you work in the NHS or voluntary sector, Samaritans are here to help you have safe conversations about online use. This training is aimed at increasing your confidence in supporting people who may be using the internet in relation to their self-harm or suicidal feelings. Learn more and secure your place by registering on their events page.


LGA: Homelessness and Safeguarding - updates, learning and current issues - Wednesday 15 January 2025, 2.00pm - 4.00pm 


The aims of the event are to provide learning from the 2nd National Analysis of Safeguarding Adult Reviews and reviews of deaths of homeless peoples; updates on critical issues and responses to support people with no recourse to public funds and people living in vehicles; insights from current research; and consider strategic responses to safeguarding challenges.

For more information please visit here.


Homeless Link - London PLUS: Adult Social Care Webinar - 08 January 2025, 4:00pm

Homeless Link - London PLUS: Adult Social Care Webinar

Join Safeguarding Circle, START Homeless outreach teams, London Councils and Homeless Link for this free online event to learn how the Adult Social Care system can better support people experiencing homelessness in London.

This event will launch a guidance document on how to navigate supporting people experiencing homelessness.

For more information please visit here.


NHS South East London: Islamophobia awareness session - Thursday 05 December 2024, 1 - 2pm

Islamophobia awareness session post(thumbnail)

Join South East London ICB to discover what Islamophobia really means, its impact on individuals and communities, and how we can all play a role in building a more inclusive and understanding society. Through powerful insights and open discussion, we’ll explore the challenges faced by Muslim individuals and break down misconceptions together. 

Joint the event link here


BSAB MCA Guidance Launch Event - Thursday 12 December 2024, 12:00 - 13:00

The Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board and MCA Partnership working group have produced an MCA Guidance and a number of 7minute briefings, aimed at professionals working with people where MCA needs to be considered.

The Bromley MCA/DoLS Partnership workgroup have produced this guidance to ensure that, as a Professional, you are aware of the duties and responsibilities placed on you by the MCA 2005 and are therefore able to judge whether you are meeting them. Relevant links to external resources and contact information are also included so that you can know how and when to seek support.

This is an opportunity for professionals from health and social care in the London Borough of Bromley to come together to learn about these new resources, and to ask any questions about its implementation.

You can register your interest here


CNWL White Ribbon 16 Days Programme 2024 - various dates throughout November & December 2024

To mark the White Ribbon Campaign which takes place on the United Nations Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls on the 25th November, CNWL NHS Trust are holding a programme of awareness raising events spanning the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence.

Please review the full programme here


Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government: Working across housing, social care and safeguarding for people experiencing long term rough sleeping. - Thursday 14 November & Tuesday 19 November

MHCLG are pleased to invite you to this online event, Working across housing, social care and safeguarding for people experiencing long term rough sleeping. The aim of the webinar is to share good practice and forge connection to support people that experience long-term and cyclical rough sleeping.

To continue to support the work being done within the homelessness and rough sleeping and safeguarding adults space, we would like to invite colleagues involved in rough sleeping and social care to attend this webinar as an opportunity to share good practice and forge connections to support people that experience long-term and cyclical rough sleeping.

For more information please visit here


Safeguarding Adults Awareness Week - 18 to 22 November 2024

Please find below a link to the collective programme of events for the 2024 Safeguarding Adults Awareness week curated with colleagues across South East London; Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich, Lambeth, Lewisham, & Southwark. 

Although awareness week is 18 to 22 November, sessions will take place throughout the month of November. 

You will see that this link takes you directly to a digital brochure rather than a pdf document of the programme itself, the reason for this is so that you will always have access to the most recent version of the programme whenever you access this via the link below.

Please share this amongst your colleagues and register in advance for the sessions you would like to attend. 

For ease of access/ accessibility when viewing the digital programme above, you may want to to consider using the 'zoom in' function on the floating banner at the bottom of the page. 

You can also access the programme via this link


NHS England London VAWG Conference 2024 - Thursday 28 November, 10:00 - 15:30

This online conference will focus on the intersectionality between violence against women & girls and health inequalities, including health inclusion groups; and the aim will be: To equip professionals at all levels with tips on how to improve their practice and strategies regarding how health inequalities impact all aspects of violence against women and girls.  

For more information please visit here


DBS Eligibility and Legal Duty to Refer Webinar for Greater London Safeguarding Adult Boards and Safeguarding Children Partnerships - Wednesday 13 November, 10:00 - 12:00 

This webinar is specifically for the staff and member organisations of Safeguarding Adult Boards and Safeguarding Children Partnerships within Greater London. The webinar will explore the role of Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) and how it supports safer recruitment and employment.  

For more information please visit here.


Human Trafficking Foundation: The National Referral Mechanism (NRM) Webinar for First Responders - Thursday 07 Nov 2024 10:00 - 12:00

Free webinar for all First Responders to increase the understanding of the NRM decision-making process and strengthen NRM referrals. 

For more information visit here.


Museum of Homelessness: End it with Evidence or Endless evidence? Different perspectives on data gathering on homelessness - 03 October 2024, 18:00 - 20:00

This online event will focus on three different contributors and their journeys navigating systems of care for people affected by homelessness.  These contributors will reflect something of their own journey and what it is like to try and use numbers to create better systems whilst talking about some of the existing problems that exist.

For more information please visit here


Alcohol Change: Series of online webinars - 22 October 2024 to 17 March 2025

This series of learning sessions are free to attend for Bromley professionals and include the following topics. 

Tuesday 22 October, 10:00 - 12:00 - Alcohol and drug awareness briefing webinar

Tuesday 12 November, 10:00 - 11:00 - Alcohol, drugs and young people webinar

Monday 02 December, 10:00 - 11:00 - Engaging people who are using substances webinar

Tuesday 03 December, 09:30 - 16:00 - Alcohol and drug awareness 

Tuesday 07 January, 09:30 - 12:00 - Safeguarding Vulnerable Dependent Drinkers Level 4

Friday 17 January, 09:30 - 10:30 - Learning from SARs webinar


MOPAC | CARE PROJECT BREAKDOWN - Communities Against Racism and Extremism - series of learning events throughout September 2024 to January 2025

Hate crime, racism, violent and non-violent extremism, in all forms, are gaining ground not only in your area but across London and the UK.
This project aims to support the local work which is already going on in areas and offer specialist insight into Extreme Right-Wing (ERW) extremism, and how to combat their influence.

Vulnerable people i.e., individuals who are autistic/neurodiverse, homeless, suffering domestic violence, or who may be susceptible to this, are specifically being targeted for recruitment by extremist activists who seek to use and manipulate these vulnerabilities.

Building on the existing skills of attendees who support vulnerable people, their aim is to upskill them to understand the dangers of extremism and what they can do to counter it - creating safe spaces to talk (reducing the need for people to talk to extremists), providing alternatives to extremist messages and signposting people to get help.

For more information please visit here


Human Trafficking Foundation: Forced Criminal Exploitation - The Legal Context - Mon, 21 Oct 2024 12:00 - 13:00 BST

Human trafficking for criminal exploitation, or forced criminality, is a type of trafficking in which the victim is exploited by being forced to engage in illegal activities, such as street crime, begging, or drug trafficking.

Join HTF for an informative 1 hour session with Philippa Southwell, Southwell & Partners, to delve deeper into this topic in the legal context.

For more information please visit here


Employers Initiative on Domestic Abuse (EIDA) Conference - Wednesday 16 October 2024 

The EIDA Conference will be held on Wednesday 16 October 2024 at Google near King's Cross, London.

The day will inspire employers (both existing and potential EIDA members) to consider how they can develop and enhance their support for those impacted by domestic abuse, both within their own organisations and as part of a wider societal response.

The event will feature contributions from employers, insights from survivors of domestic abuse, government, frontline services and from our event partners, Google, Hestia and Vodafone Foundation.

For more information please visit here


LGA: Organisational Abuse:  What are the challenges and what helps in this area of safeguarding practice? - Tuesday 15 October 2024, 2.00pm - 4.00pm

This event aims to disseminate learning from the National Safeguarding Adult Review Analysis; provide updates on positive initiatives in this area of care and support; share insights from research and work with people who use these services; provide inspiration to improve what is done locally; and publicise the work of the Organisational Abuse Expert Reference Group.

For more information please visit here


RASASC Training: Understanding and Responding to Sexual Violence - 23 September, 09.30-14:30 

Who is this training for?

This free online training, delivered by RASASC/Rape Crisis South London and co-produced by members of our Service User Advisory Panel, is open to front line professionals working in the following London boroughs: Greenwich, Bexley, Bromley, Lewisham, Southwark, Croydon, Lambeth, Wandsworth, Merton, Sutton, Kingston, and Richmond. The training will be relevant for anyone working in a frontline role with people who may have experienced sexual violence, and will be especially relevant for those working in the health, education, and criminal justice sectors.

For more information, please visit here


Human Trafficking Foundation: Support and Protection for Albanian Survivors of Modern Slavery - Fri, 20 Sep 2024 11:00 - 12:00 BST

Statistics from the NRM consistently recognise Albanian nationals to be one of the most at-risk groups for trafficking, exploitation and modern slavery in the UK.

Shpresa Programme’s ‘Breaking The Chains’ project works to advocate for the rights of young Albanians to access protection through the NRM and asylum systems, whilst providing holistic community support.

During this one-hour session, Breaking The Chains project founder, Flutra Shega, and Independent Social Worker and Shpresa volunteer, Lauren Starkey, will outline the issues faced by Albanian survivors and how to advocate for their safety and protection.

For more information visit here.


Human Trafficking Foundation: Homelessness and Modern Slavery - Wed, 18 Sep 2024 12:00 - 13:00 BST

Homelessness stands as both a consequence and a catalyst of modern slavery, shaping the lives of survivors of this crime. This session will explore the critical intersection where vulnerability meets exploitation, shedding light on the underlying dynamics driving this link.

This session is online only, hosted by the Human Trafficking Foundation as part of a series of sessions aiming to build the capacity of the modern slavery sector.

For more information visit here


BCWA: Summer programme for young women aged 14-21 - throughout August 2024

This programme is for young women aged 14-21 who have been impacted by domestic abuse, or who struggle with their mental health.

For more information please visit here


TASP - Community Safeguarding: an Islamic Perspective - Monday 22 July 2024, 16:00 - 17:15

TASP will be joined by Shahnawaz Haque, an Islam-based Psychotherapist and Imam to hear about Community Safeguarding from an Islamic Perspective.

Shahnawaz, will open with a brief overview of Islamic Teachings and an Islamic perspective on safeguarding. He will take this further by helping to describe the Islamic Faith Community in how it is set up to support Children and Young People (through the Mosque, Madrasas and youth groups for example). The second part of the session is aimed at discussing how to facilitate a dialogue locally between Mosques and Partnerships and the challenges and opportunities this may present.

By joining this webinar, you will have an opportunity to consider how this information may relate to children in your locality and what this can mean for safeguarding partnerships. 

For more information visit here


SEL ICS EDI PRIDE Celebration - Monday 24th June 2024, 13:00 - 14:30

This workshop is designed to deepen your understanding of the LGBTQ+ community, empower you to speak confidently about LGBTQ+ issues and terminology, and enhance inclusive practices in your work environment. 

For more information please visit here


Alcohol Change: webinar series - various dates throughout 2024/25 (Online)



Homeless Health London Partnership: Safeguarding people sleeping rough during periods of hot weather webinar - Monday 17 June 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

This event will be an online webinar, covering the impact of heat on health specifically for the rough sleeping population. The webinar will cover why heat matters for those experiencing rough sleeping, recognising signs, symptoms and taking action, and top tips on how to respond. Speakers include experts from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), Professor Al Story from the Find and Treat team and Chantelle Gardner from Thames Reach.

This webinar is aimed at outreach teams and frontline staff, day centre staff, hostel providers and local authority rough sleeping managers and leads.

For more information please visit here


Empowering Deaf Society: Deaf Awareness Workshops - various dates:

  • Tuesday 28 May, 11am
  • Tuesday 25 June, 11am

Empowering Deaf Society (EDS) is a deaf-led Charity, dedicated to improving the quality of life for deaf people.

EDS are excited to be able to offer you a free workshop on Deaf Awareness via Zoom if you work in the public and charitable sectors. Their Deaf Awareness workshop consists of two one hour Zoom sessions.

First part is a one hour presentation introducing the issues and barriers faced by deaf people whilst highlighting strategies to improve your understanding of the challenges facing deaf people and improving your communication skills with colleagues, customers and service users who are affected with a hearing loss.

Followed by another one hour zoom session giving you an Introduction to British Sign Language Skills to use when communicating with the Deaf Community.

For more information please visit here.


LGA: Second National Safeguarding Adults Review  Analysis 2019- 2023 - Tuesday 14 May 2024, 10.00am - 12.00pm

This webinar will present the results of the second national analysis of Safeguarding Adult Reviews in England. It will present a detailed analysis of the types of abuse and neglect, and the nature of adult safeguarding concerns as reported in 652 reviews. This analysis will offer both a regional and a national perspective. Some comparisons will be made with the first national analysis.

For more information please visit here.


Deaf Awareness Event at Community House - Tuesday 07 May, 11am - 2pm

In honour of Deaf Awareness Week, deafPlus are hosting an awareness event at Community House Bromley.

For further information please view the event flyer here


HTF Online Forum: Transitional Safeguarding - Tuesday 30 April 2024, 13:00 - 15:00 

Transitional Safeguarding is an 'approach to safeguarding adolescents and young adults fluidly across developmental stages which builds on the best available evidence, learns from both children's and adult safeguarding practice and which prepares young people for their adult lives'. The Human Trafficking Foundation, in collaboration with NWG, invites you to an online forum that will delve into implementing an effective transitional safeguarding approach for young victims of modern slavery. This event will feature speakers representing both statutory and non-statutory organisations.

Speakers include Dez Holmes (Director of Research in Practice) and Laura Durá(Head of Policy, Advocacy and Research at Every Child Protected Against Trafficking (ECPAT)).

For more information please visit here

Knowledge Sharing Sessions

The Human Trafficking Foundation is also hosting a series of Knowledge Sharing sessions for the anti-slavery sector. The Knowledge Sharing sessions differ from the HTF Advisory Forums by solely having one organisation speaking on a specific topic. Please click the links below for more information on the upcoming sessions and to sign up: 


Trading Standards: Scam & Doorstep Crime Awareness - in person event on Thursday 04 April 2024, 11:30 to 13:30 

A Scams Awareness and Connecting Community event will be held at New Life Church, Main Road, Biggin Hill on Thursday 04 April.  Doors open at 11am with speakers starting at 11.30-1.30, there will be free refreshments too!

There will also be information stalls by Age UK, Bromley Mencap, Kent Association for the Blind, Neighbourhood Watch & Bromley's Loneliness Champion.

Please note this will be a community walk-in event and therefore there is no need to register to attend.

For more information please visit here


BSAB: Safeguarding Workshop for Practitioners - Thursday 18 April, 09:00 - 14:00 (in person event)

The Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board and Bromley Healthcare are working in collaboration with local health providers to host a Safeguarding Workshop.

This is an opportunity for professionals from health and social care in the London Borough of Bromley to come together to explore safeguarding leadership when working with adults at risk with complex safeguarding needs (for example, self-neglect). The workshop will focus on the use of the Complex Case Pathway, a tool designed to support people who self-neglect, which was the learning recommendation from a local Safeguarding Adults Review. This event offers practitioners the space to reflect on their current practice and have the opportunity to share good practices alongside the challenges when working with people who self-neglect.

For further information please visit here


London Borough Bromley: Reducing Parental Conflict Training - various dates throughout January to November 2024

Free face-to-face, half-day, workshop style training is offered for all professionals working directly with children and families.

For further information please visit here


Rape Crisis South London (RASASC) - Specialising in Training on Sexual Violence

RASASC deliver training to teams of 5-16 professionals in any organisation that might come into contact with survivors of sexual violence. They can deliver training in person or remotely, and offer a range of session lengths to suit a team’s needs. They will charge a fee for larger organisations, but for smaller organisations they do have some funding to offer free sessions. 

For more information about our training, visit https://www.rasasc.org.uk/training/ 


Young People Gambling and Gaming Harms

YGAM, an award-winning education charity, is offering FREE online training on the topics of gaming and gambling harms including the blurred lines between the two.

Younger generations now grow up entwined in the digital world, always just a few clicks away from the online galaxy of gaming and gambling. This training will equip you with the knowledge, resources, and confidence to spot the
signs of harm, start informed safeguarding conversations and signpost to support when needed.

Join YGAM’s growing network of trained professionals!

Click here to select your profession and date.

Any questions regarding these sessions, please email training@ygam.org


Homeless Health London Partnership and Aneema: Improving Access to Services for Clients Experiencing Multiple Disadvantage & Co-occurring Conditions

Backed by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), this aneemo course has been created in partnership with the NHS’s Transformation Partners in Health and Care Co-Occurring Conditions Team to support cross-sector professionals in recognising and supporting the multiple and co-occurring needs of people who experience multiple disadvantage.

The comprehensive curriculum will benefit both frontline staff and system leaders across health, social care, voluntary sector and the criminal justice system. You will develop an understanding of the individual, service and system level barriers that exist for people with multiple needs accessing services; recognise the prevalence of trauma and working in a Trauma-Informed way; be given practical and creative approaches to assessment, engagement and support; and recognise the importance of gender informed service models and peer support. The content also covers the use of legislation such as The Care Act, Safeguarding, the Mental Capacity Act, The NICE guidance, Drug Strategy and NHS Long-Term Plan, and what a Trauma-informed Criminal Justice System can look like.

For more information or to sign up, please click here


North Lincolnshire and East Riding Health and Care Partnership: Forensic lunch and learn

  • 10 October 2023
  • 16 January 2024
  • 16 April 2024
  • 2 July 2024

This series of educational meetings are being held quarterly to facilitate forensic learning in safeguarding adults at risk of harm. This is our second year of the project. All sessions will be delivered virtually via Microsoft Teams.

For more information or to sign up, please click here


London Borough Bromley Council: Tackling loneliness - February 2023 onwards

Do you work with, assist, or help residents who may benefit from connecting with others in Bromley?

The London Borough of Bromley are pleased to present this free, 1-1.5 hour Tackling Loneliness Workshop for all professionals working with residents across all age groups, backgrounds and in all stages of life who may be at risk of loneliness.

To find out more information and to book onto this course, go online here.


London Fire Brigade (LFB): A Carers Guide to Home Fire Safety - Learn how to keep people that receive care safe from fire

Sadly, around one third of people who die or are severely injured by fire were in receipt of some form of care or support. If you are a formal (e.g. domiciliary care worker, support worker or clinician) or informal carer (e.g. family member, friend or neighbour) and are caring for someone in their own home, our Carers Guide to Home Fire Safety will help you identify fire risks and show you what you can do to reduce them.

Find out more here


Independent advocacy under the Care Act 2014 e-learning course (SCIE) - now available

Under the Care Act 2014 the role of the independent advocate is to support an individual or carer to understand information, express their needs and wishes, secure their rights, represent their interests and support them to obtain the care and support they need.

This course explains what independent advocacy means under the Care Act 2014. 


Thrive LDN is leading a campaign to get 100,000 Londoners to take the FREE online suicide prevention training.

Thrive London have partnered with the Zero Suicide Alliance, who have created a training program to help people to be able to identify warning signs and to feel comfortable having conversations about suicide.

Access this training here.



Training & learning events - 2023/24

Training & learning events - 2022/23

Training & learning events – 2021/22

Training & learning events – 2020/21


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