BSAB training
Welcome to our training section of the website where you will find information on the courses offered by the Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board, as well as view any training events that are running.
The BSAB commissions multi-agency training in response to learning needs identified by partner agencies. Our team of experienced and expert trainers are familiar with Bromley procedures and safeguarding issues.
The BSAB training programme is designed to support the development of best practice in adult safeguarding work and to ensure that people working with adults at risk across all sectors are able to meet the standards outlined in the London Multi Agency Safeguarding Adults Policy and Guidance as well as the statutory safeguarding duties introduced under the Care Act 2014.
Please note that our training is offered both virtually via a digital platform and face-to-face, details of which can be found in the training brochure below.
Prevent duty training: Learn how to support people susceptible to radicalisation - this training is mandatory for London Borough Bromley staff and must be accessed via Evolve.
For non-London Borough Bromley Staff this training can be accessed via this link.
Training Programme 2024-25
We are pleased to confirm that the following BSAB 2024/25 Training Brochure is available to view. We recommend that you always access this via this webpage to ensure you have the most updated version.

To book onto any of the live webinars, all you need to do is go to the Evolve site (full details below). You will receive joining instructions as confirmation of your booking; these will explain step-by-step how to get on to the webinar.

Online training
You can access our short e-learning safeguarding training courses on the Me Learning website – ideal
as a refresher or as an introduction.
Please see the training offer below:

These courses are aimed at professionals and volunteers who work or have contact with children, young people and their families and/or adults at risk within the London Borough of Bromley.
Most courses take between 60 to 90 minutes to complete – but you can dip in and out multiple times and it will remember where you left off. You can log in at work or at home.
Successfully complete the simple quiz at the end of a course to gain your certificate, you can have more than one go to try to get a higher score! The best bit is these courses are available FREE to all within Bromley.
You can find out what online courses are available here.
Bromley Safeguarding Children Partnership Training Programme
This webpage provides details of Bromley Safeguarding Children Partnership (BSCP) courses for the year ahead are designed to assist agencies to meet their responsibilities in respect of safeguarding children.
Audiences for their training include the whole of the children and young people’s workforce in Bromley and those working with adults who are parents or carers (for example, adult psychiatrists and probation staff). It includes paid staff and volunteers working in the statutory, voluntary, community and independent sectors.