Information on the BSAB – work of the Board
The Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board, or BSAB for short, is a multi-agency partnership providing strategic leadership for adult safeguarding across the Bromley area.
It has an independent chair to oversee the development and implementation of an overall strategy and annual business plans to ensure that this reflects learning from investigations and any Serious Case Reviews and other areas of work.
The BSAB acts as the key mechanism for agreeing how agencies will work together effectively to safeguard and promote the safety and well-being of adults at risk and/or in vulnerable situations.
The Board has the following three statutory duties under the Care Act 2014:
- to develop and publish a strategic plan which sets out the objectives of the Board and how these will be met
- to publish an annual report detailing how effective the work has been
- to commission Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) for cases which meet the criteria for these under Section 44 of the Act